7 Laws of the Universe
Crown Chakra – Mentalism
Mentalism is the first law of the whole universe, and it's the one that creates everything else. It states that what you live is what you believe. Everything you experience is a result of your thoughts. What you think, you become.
The mind is not just a tool to think 'I want this.' The mind is what you need to become. The mind is your vibration, it defines what you are. When you need or want to have something or become something, you are always thinking about the future. That's why the universe never brings you what you think in the future because the future doesn't exist. Mentalism brings or gives you what you believe you are, not what you think you want to be.
The spirit knows that it's a being trying to learn from itself. That's why we are not perfect. We need to be different from each other to see different perspectives. Therefore, reality is not perfect; the perfection of reality lies in its imperfection.
3rd Eye – Correspondence
Correspondence is the concept that what is outside is a reflection of what is within. Everything external is created internally, and everything internal will shape the external. There is correspondence between the outer and inner realms. The energy you generate while on Earth (below) automatically projects upward (above), and this energy is then reflected back to you (As above, so below). You create energy through your emotions, feelings, thoughts, desires, and impulses.
Mentalism created the body and this reality for the purpose of observing and experiencing itself, and correspondence helps us perceive these realities and recognize the mirrors of distortion. Therefore, nothing happens purely externally; everything originates from within, from the mind. Once you have grasped this correspondence in the universe, you realize that everything is connected by vibration.
Throat Chakra - Vibration
Everything is connected through the waves of vibration. 'The whole universe is in vibration,' and science has already confirmed that everything in the universe, including you, is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. The throat chakra generates the vibration, and the sound of vibration is what creates all these waves that help establish correspondence in the universe.
If you emit a low vibration, everything coming to you will be in a low vibration. If you produce a high vibration, everything coming to you will be of high vibration. What you say is what you are going to create. Words are the ones that create. It's the waves of vibration that create the correspondence of the universe. How you express things, the manner and intention with which you pronounce words, comes back to you through correspondence.
Heart Chakra - Rhythm of the Heart
The rhythm is the heart chakra. It teaches you that everything in the universe has a time to do something. Everything in the universe, the Earth, and your life is affected by cycles that continue to repeat themselves until you reach an understanding of what these cycles are trying to show you. High vibration, low vibration, positive, negative, outside, within; all of them create the vibration of the universe, All-That-Is.
There are different rhythms in creation, and rhythms are connected to time. If your vibration is very low, the time will be very long. So, you have to first change your vibration, change the way you talk, change the way you think; then the rhythm will start to beat at a different level of vibration. You will essentially be raising your vibration higher and higher until you can manifest the reality you desire with relative ease. That's why rhythm and vibration are very much connected, expressing what you feel and what you are.
Solar Plexus – Cause & Effect
Your vibration and your rhythm condition everything happening in your life. If you have a low vibration, everything you do will come back to you as a low vibration. So, whatever you do in the universe will come back to you as an effect of what you've caused. 'As above, so below; as within, so without.' This is the nature of the power of your mind. By selecting which thoughts you will project and by choosing which feelings reinforce those thoughts, you determine your reality, attracting the same energy as the thoughts and emotions you choose to express.
This is the law of responsibility. It's common for us humans to blame others for the things that happen to us. It is normal because we are taught that there's good and bad. We think when bad things happen to us, it's because of bad people. If something happens to you in a bad way, it's actually because you had to learn something. So, you have to change the way you think and your vibration to be able to change the rhythm, in order to change the effects of your cause.
Sacral Chakra – Polarity
Polarity is the law of creation. Everything has a polarity; everything has a positive and negative. Everything that creates us is magnetic. We are a blend of positive and negative energy—electrons, protons, neutrons—all with their unique ways of energy. This creates the chains of DNA, the patterns on the molecular system that shape our reality. Positive and negative are not forces that separate us; instead, they are integral to our existence. They help us move from one point to another.
When you understand this, you will see good and bad as a way to progress and evolve. The only way to gain the strength to rise is by first descending to gather the energy to jump. You cannot jump higher without first bending yourself, allowing you to gather the energy to ascend. The negative polarity assists you in ascending, and the positive must descend to gather more energy to rise again. That's why polarity propels you forward on the path of evolution and supports in creating new energies. We need to realize everything that appears to be against us is just providing another perspective of who we are, so we can use this new energy to create new reality transcendental from what we are.
Root Chakra – Generation
The last law is connected to the root chakra, and it is generation. Generation means that everything in the universe is created by the energy of polarity. Positive and negative, feminine and masculine—polarity creates realities.
Everything is generated in the universe. There's nothing just being destroyed; everything is destroyed to be created again. Generation means that everything in the universe is born again and again, and once more. It never dies; it just transforms itself. We are constantly creating new realities every second.
We exist as an idea, the Self, which represents mentalism. Our minds are able to process information only through duality, interpreting experiences as positive and negative. Yet this idea of the Self, has love to be expressed and wisdom to understand who it is, who it was and who it will be.
Our emotions help us to understand and make sense of our life experiences. While the universe is expanding itself, our personality acts as a tool that our soul needs to play a role in this play. Darkness creates the surrounding in the play, allowing us to see ourselves in the mirror of everyone and everything around us. The darkness pushes so the real potential within to come out.
Our souls again and again choose to experience and learn through this path and in this form of existence on Earth to understand itself, the idea. Our bodies are manifested through this idea of Self in this 3rd dimension that is conditioned by time and space. This allows our being to understand itself through many perspectives of time. In time we live and die and if we are going to die, we do not need to make an effort to survive; we just have to live.
Source: Matías De Stefano